Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Green Mustache

Sporting a green "stash"

"Mom, just let me do it."

Mom, "Hattie, are you full?"
Hattie, "What do you think."
Tonight marks a milestone for our little family. Hattie took her first bite of real food! Well sort of. That is if I don't count all the little nibbles of ice cream that her father has given her. Naughty daddy.
Tonight's menu was avocado. As you can see in the photos she enjoyed every bite. And for any mothers out there reading this, BUY A BABY BULLET. Best invention ever!! One avocado made enough for six feeds. Translation: I can already see the money pouring back into my coffee fund. :)
A shout out to Grandpa Greg. Thank you for the Baby Bullet! That little green smily face mashine has just found itself a new home on my counter.